Jessica Ahlsén
Chief Operating Officer Stockholm
Construction (Tier 2)
‘Mattias Wittgren has a great understanding of the technical parts of construction projects.’
‘The team is very responsive and has a good understanding of the techno-commercial issues in our ongoing disputes.’
‘Counsel are really committed to the clients and make big efforts to make the clients understand the issues from a Swedish perspective.’
‘The practice has a very wide spread of strength, competence and experience in a way that most firms don’t have. Sometimes when you work with a big firm you may lose contact within the team, but this was not the case here.’
Real Estate (Tier 2)
‘Professional and knowledgeable.’
‘Solid, thorough and swift. They provide reliable consultations with good responsiveness.’
‘Matti Scheffer is experienced and pleasant to deal with.’
‘Very knowledgeable and excellent social competence, meaning they always can handle counterparts of all types (experience as well as attitude).’
Public Procurement (Tier 3)
‘The team, headed by Sylvia Linden, provided a great service.’
‘Sylvia Lindén is very knowledgeable in the field of Public Procurement in Sweden, and is a very nice person to be working with.
Dispute Resolution (Tier 4)
‘They have all the competence they need within the Company and the seniors are among the best in Sweden.’
‘They begin the resolution searching for options for the different sides to easily have an agreement. They are not interested in a big fight, they want their client to have an agreement with good terms of course, but in that process they are able to see the opponent’s point of view and how to get their client to get a good solution to the dispute.’
‘Nicklas Björklund is among the best lawyers in Sweden and his team is considered a winning team, which is a very good thing if you are in a dispute.’
Chief Operating Officer Stockholm