Nicklas Björklund has a long and diverse experience in business law, particularly within the construction and real estate industry for municipal real estate companies, municipalities and county councils, as well as major property actors. His practice involves drawing up agreements and other supporting documents for builders and other actors in procurement projects. In addition, Nicklas often reviews or develops contract templates for high-frequency players in the market, and during ongoing projects, he regularly assists with current advice. He also acts as counsel in disputes and has extensive experience in major disputes in court and in arbitration. Nicklas is ranked in the category Leading Individuals by the ranking institute The Legal 500 (EMEA 2024).
Nicklas provides ongoing advice to Byggherrarna, the National Federation of Public and Private Builders in Sweden. His work in construction law for Byggherrarna includes e.g. education, current counseling, and dispute resolution. The work gives him unique insight into the development of construction law from a practical perspective. In addition, he ensures that templates are prepared and maintained in updated versions, and helps bring forward legal perspectives in various committees and coordinates views in revision work regarding BKK standard agreements (AB, ABT, and ABK). Nicklas also represents Byggherrarna at the BKK Board.
Nicklas is also an appreciated lecturer, hired by several leading companies. He speaks primarily on key construction and consultancy law issues, as well as their surrounding issues, such as work environment, insolvency, corruption, and disputes.
‘Nicklas Björklund is an attorney whom I deeply admire. His commitment to the industry is evident through his involvement in various significant committees and his contributions to developing industry standards among stakeholders. As a representative of Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton Advokat KB, he is undoubtedly one of the top three experts in construction law throughout Sweden.’ Legal 500 2024
‘Nicklas Björklund’s many years of experience and great commercial understanding make him an excellent lawyer and my preferred choice.’ Legal 500 2024
- Consulted on ongoing, very extensive construction project, including advising on liability questions about extensive and serious errors
- Consulted on consultancy responsibility dispute in ongoing, very extensive construction project
- Developed templates for different situations for very large businesses and for large and small contracts
- Provided counsel in extensive arbitration proceedings against a contractor as to the construction of a mall
- Provided counsel in an arbitration against a contractor on the construction of a logistics facility
- Advised hotel building client
- Provided strategic and practical advice — from beginning to end — to municipal property companies regarding construction and lease rights for an aquatic centre
- Advised municipality in a consultant dispute regarding the design of sports facilities
- Counseled Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden’s central bank) in dispute at the Stockholm District Court and Svea Court of Appeal against a general consultant as to the construction of a new cash management depot
- Represented the Statens Fastighetsverk (National Property Board) in dispute at the Stockholm District Court and Svea Court of Appeal against a consultant regarding the extension of the Vasa museum
- Acted for the employer in the dispute between Kista Galleria and Skanska
- Counseled client in an arbitration on the extension of the mobile telecommunications network
- Provided arbitration counsel on international infrastructure project in the field of construction/telecom
- Provided ongoing advice to several clients on various types of procurement and contract law issues
- Represented contracting authorities in public procurement of comprehensive construction contracts
- Supported contracting authorities in public procurement of consultancy services
Insights View all insights
King's College, London, Master of European Law Studies (1997)
Stockholm University, Jur.kand. (1996)
Work experience
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton Advokat KB (2003 – )
Linklaters Advokatbyrå AB, Associate (2001 – 2003)
Andersson Gustafsson Advokatbyrå KB, Associate (1999 – 2001)
District Court of Sollentuna, Law Clerk (1998 – 1999)
Swedish Bar Association
Advokat (2003)
Construction Management - Strategy and contract design for successful CM assignments, Svensk Byggtjänst (2016)
New rules on construction VAT have immediate effect, Web Edition (2018-01-05)
Castles in the air a good deal, Affärsvärlden, Affärsjuridik no 1 (2007)
AB 04 - a way out of the trenches?, Fastighetsnytt no 5 (2006)
Affirmative Action: The Kalanke Case and its Impications at EU Level and in Sweden, Juridisk tidskrift no 1 (1997 - 1998)